Sign Up

Signing up to the eLearn to Sail by Mail website enables users to purchase and then access online course modules. Signing up is free.

Terms and Conditions

I understand that:

  • 1) eLearn to Sail by mail course modules are protected by copyright law and must only be accessed by the user that paid for them.
  • 2) an eLearn to Sail by Mail enrolment year commences one calendar year from the date that payment is received for the module that has been purchased.
  • 3) I should not share my access details with others.
  • 4) I need to notify eLearn to Sail by Mail immediately if I become aware of any unauthorized use of my access details.
  • 5) I must not to place pornogpahic or offensive material, images or language on shared spaces on the eLearn to Sail by Mail website.

I understand that if I break this agreement eLearn to Sail by Mail will cancel access to their site.
I have read the eLearn to Sail by Mail User Policy and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out above.

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