Competent Crew

The theory in the Competent Crew elearning module is to assist students from Introductory to Competent Crew in keel boats. This module is aimed at people who are new to sailing and racing keelboats.

Module Outcomes


The aim of this course is to graduate you as a safe and competent sailor confidently able to take your place in a wonderful sport with great traditions and years of pleasure ahead of you.


Part 1

By the end of this course, a student:

  • CC 1.1 will be able to identify the main parts of a yacht,
  • CC 1.2 understand the basic terminology used to describe the position of a yacht in relation to an object or another vessel,
  • CC 1.3 understand the uses of ropes, winches, blocks and tackles, and
  • CC 1.4 will have a knowledge of the basic principles of keelboat stability.

Part 2

By the end of this course, a student:

  • CC 2.1 will have a sound knowledge of sailing theory,
  • CC 2.2 identify correctly shaped sails for the sea state and wind conditions,
  • CC 2.3 develop an understanding of sail trim and how to apply it, and
  • CC 2.4 develop a basic knowledge of weather and wind and how they apply to sailing.

Part 3

By the end of this course, a student:

  • CC 3.1 will have an elementary knowledge of tides and waves,
  • CC 3.2 recognise the importance of safety and be able to identify basic safety procedures associated with sailing; and
  • CC 3.3 will understand the concepts of anchoring, mooring and berthing.

Part 4

By the end of this course, a student:

  • CC 4.1 will have a sound understanding of the right of way of vessels,
  • CC 4.2 recognise common navigation lights, code flags, lighthouses, buoyage; and
  • CC 4.3 understand how a buoyage system works in a waterway.